ICAD will celebrate 12th anniversary under the theme “Riding the Asian Wave”.
This year, ICAD will celebrate its 12th anniversary under the theme “Riding the Asian Wave”.
International Congress of Aesthetic Dermatology, ICAD, has been built upon a long-term collaboration between the Dermatological Society of Thailand (DST) and EuroMediCom.ICAD today is considered as a significant milestone for the Asian medical and healthcare community for aesthetic and anti-aging dermatology. Asia has led the way in showing rapid growth in the aesthetic market. ICAD 2018 is a high level of medical continuing education platform with an ambition to contribute to the medical community in confronting this challenging growth wave.
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Project co-financed by the Union European,
by the Italian country and by theCampania Region, in the context of the POR Campania ERDF 2014-2020
links institutions
FESR Campania: http://porfesr.regione.campania.it/
Europa: http://europa.eu/index_it.htm
Governo Italiano: http://www.governo.it/
Regione Campania: http://www.regione.campania.it/